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carlos krauz
2007 "Vento sob a pedra de Sísifo", acrílica, óleo e nanquim sobe tela |
"Wind under the stone of Sisyphus", acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 100 X 100 cm
"Wind under the stone of Sisyphus", acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 100 X 100 cm
2007 "Côco mastin", acrílica e óleo sobre tela | acrylic and oil on canvas, 129 X 200 cm
2007 "O relógio, o mostrador e a sentença", acrílica, óleo e nanquim sobre tela |
"The clock, the dial and the sentence", acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 100 X 70 cm
"The clock, the dial and the sentence", acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 100 X 70 cm
2007 "Narciso submerge", acrílica, óleo e nanquim sobre tela
| "Narcissus submerges", acrylic, oil and Chinese ink on canvas, 180 X 180 cm
| "Narcissus submerges", acrylic, oil and Chinese ink on canvas, 180 X 180 cm
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