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carlos krauz
2010 2012

2012 KM, voile fabric, metallic chains and preachers metal, stones found in the garden of Antonio Berni Gallery, magnets and lamp belonging to own Gallery

detalhe | detail 1

detail showing the magnetic field supporting tissue

The stones. Found in the garden, they borrowed for retaining currents which in turn have a magnet at its opposite end.

2012 KM, voile fabric, metallic chains and preachers metal, stones found in the garden of Antonio Berni Gallery, magnets and lamp belonging to own Gallery

KM vista | view 2

KM vista | view 3

KM vista | view 4

KM vista | view 5

The chains hanging from the ceiling and close to the luminaire. They incorporate the luminaire to the work and the space around it.

detail showing the magnetic field supporting tissue

detalhe | detail 4 showing the magnetic field supporting tissue

"Aladdin " Honorable Mention at the Salon of Visual Arts in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo Brazil.
Work developed in partnership with the artist Luis Christello
Work developed in partnership with the artist Luis Christello

vista | view 2

vista | view 3

vista partial | partial view
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