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The works presented here are within my sculptural production called Solid Landscapes. They are pieces characterized by the presence of the continuous line that runs the piece uninterruptedly, forming it. And continuity is a fundamental aspect of the line. The look here is invited to "walk" the piece from any point of it. And, wherever we begin to "go through it," we enter into a continuum ... Some works are in a state of model and others are miniatures of works in their definitive size. Mock-ups serve initially as a vehicle to preview the work. It is a fundamental exercise that helps me after the sketches and notes, to experience the work in space. They allow me to map and probe a space for the work in its definitive size.

They also help me when I need to photograph a work in its definitive size, since some of them measure from three to six meters. And as a result, I often do not have enough visual field in the studio to record them photographically. And this alternative way of recording a work, from its small size, led me to ask whether these small pieces are works or not; Are they sculptures? Today I have no doubt that they are works; sculptures They are peculiar pieces that allow me to contain them in the palm of the hands turning them to elaborate and contemplate them. I can also arrange them on a sheet of paper, appreciating them on a thin border between a piece of jewelry and a large sculpture; they inhabit a very thin field between the drawing that originated them and the three-dimensional space that contains them. They touch the body and space of the spectator in a way peculiar to their size and belong to the horizon in which they are seen.

Krauz   janeiro | january  2012

The works presented here are located within my sculptural production called Solid Landscapes . These are pieces characterized by the presence of a continuous line that runs through the piece uninterruptedly, forming it. And continuity is a fundamental aspect when I think about the line. The eye here is invited to “walk through” the piece starting from any point on it. And wherever we begin to “traverse it”, we enter a continuum...
Some works are in model form and others are miniatures of works in their final size. The models initially serve as a vehicle to preview the work. It is a fundamental exercise that helps me, after the sketches and notes, to experience working in the space. They allow me to map and survey a space for the work in its definitive size.

Auxiliam também quando preciso fotografar um trabalho já existente em seu tamanho definitivo, já que alguns deles medem de três a seis metros. E, em decorrência disso, muitas vezes não disponho de campo visual suficiente no ateliê para registrá-los fotograficamente. E essa via alternativa de registrar um trabalho, a partir de seu modelo em tamanho reduzido, me conduziram a indagar até onde estas pequenas peças não são trabalhos; esculturas. 
         Atualmente não tenho dúvida que são obras; esculturas. São peças peculiares que me permitem contê-las na palma das mãos girando-as para elaborá-las e contemplá-las. Posso, também, dispô-las sobre uma folha de papel, apreciando-as numa tênue fronteira entre uma peça de joalheria e uma escultura de grandes dimensões; elas habitam um campo muito delgado entre o desenho que as originou e o espaço tridimensional que as contém. Elas tocam o corpo e o espaço do espectador de modo peculiar a seu tamanho e pertencem ao horizonte no qual são vistas.

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