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carlos krauz
Tubo de cobre 6mm | copper pipe 6mm, 20 X 660 cm 1990 |
No primeiro plano tubo de cobre 6mm sobre piso de parquê, e ao fundo, cinta de aço inoxidável apoiada sobre lençol de borracha | In the foreground, a 6mm copper tube on a parquet floor, and in the background, a stainless steel strap supported on a rubber sheet. |
No primeiro plano tubo de cobre 6mm sobre piso de parquê, e ao fundo, cinta de aço inoxidável apoiada sobre lençol de borracha | In the foreground, a 6mm copper tube on a parquet floor, and in the background, a stainless steel strap supported on a rubber sheet. |
Tubo de cobre 6mm | copper pipe 6mm, 20 X 660 cm 1990 |
No primeiro plano tubo de cobre 6mm sobre piso de parquê, e ao fundo, cinta de aço inoxidável apoiada sobre lençol de borracha | In the foreground, a 6mm copper tube on a parquet floor, and in the background, a stainless steel strap supported on a rubber sheet. |
Cinta de aço inoxidável apoiada sobre lençol de borracha | Stainless steel strap supported on rubber sheet, 102 X 100 X 200 cm 1990 |
detalhe | detail |
Cinta de aço inoxidável | Stainless steel strap 12 X 5,5 X 18 cm 1990 |
vista | view 2 |
The sculptures created for this Salon have in common the Line and Continuity. In the case of copper pipe, a line, when bent, rises and becomes a three-dimensional. The same occurs with the work Cinta de Aço when it bends over itself. In steel belt on rubber sheet, the belt, due to its weight and pressure, keeps the rubber suspended and attached to the wall and is simultaneously retained by the rubber, preventing the belt from slipping and disarming the work.
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